Tuesday 25 March 2014

Double exposure

This blog will be about my version of double exposure but with using reflections of stuff in puddles. The first thing I did was researched a photographer who has done this photography style before. I picked Andre De Freitas as she has a whole website filled with double exposure pictures:
I think that her work is very good and shows a good example of what double exposure is meant to look like.
I then went out and had a go for myself. I found different puddles to take reflections of, most of them are silhouette of trees.

I like the final outcome of the photos I produced because of how clear the reflections are in the puddles. I would use this method again in future briefs because I like the final outcome and it is very easy to do.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Pinhole photography

This blog will be about pinhole photography and what I think of it. The first thing we had to do was to do some research on photographers who have worked with pinhole photography. I picked Justin Quinnell for some example of pinhole photos as he has a good website filled with pinhole photos. He makes his pinhole photos by taking them inside his mouth. I think that the photos he has made are very good and creative.

Next I had to go in a group of five and go outside to take some photos. We got a camera and removed the lens, replacing it with a modified body cap with a pinhole in it to let in the light. Than we shoot some photos by lining the camera on a levelled surface and we manually controlled the shutter speed and the ISO (light sensitivity). This is one of the photos that I shoot and edited in photoshop to make the photo look better for the finished final.

This photo was shoot in 2.5 seconds and has a IOS of 400.
I would like to do the type of photography again in other briefs in the future.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Painting with light

This blog is about me making a painting with light photo with the group. The first thing is that we had to research people who have worked with painting with light. There are a range of people who i could research but I pick Pablo Picasso as his painting with light photos stuck out to me. Below are two of his painting with light photos.

 After we did the research we went to the dark room studio and mounted the camera on a still surface and set the frame rate to high. We turned the lights off and turned on the torches and made a picture. The picture that i made was of a human eye this is showen below

Next we split the group in half and made a big picture. my group made a scene of a dragon destroying a building.

I think that the final out come for both pictures where good as I had never done anything like this before. I would differently like to use this type of photography again in future projects.

Friday 21 February 2014

Reality Is Random

This blog will be about the things I have done for the reality is random brief so far. First I got a piece of A4 paper and got a couple of newspapers and magazines. I began to rip out random pictures and stuck them on the A4 paper to create a collage of random things. This is shown below.

The bit that I used to paint is the things inside the white box. The paint I used was acrylic. I used a mix of colours and used a size 6 brush to paint the large areas and a size 2 brush to get fine lines in the finished painting. I liked using this method of painting as the finished piece come out very well.

Next I used the same area to paint but i used poster paint this time. I didn't like using this paint as it was very runny and I was very limited with the colours. I didn't paint the whole thing because i wanted to move on to the next method of painting.

The next method I used was oil paint on a canvas. First I cut a piece of canvas and stretched it across a wooden frame. I keep it in place by using staples. I then drew a picture on the stretched canvas of a eye on a metal background, then i got a small white board to put the oil paints on. To mix the oil paints I used a pallet knife. I like using this method but it is very messy to use.

Friday 14 February 2014

Character design for adventure project

This is my character design for my adventure project. It is a cowboy on a WWI horse. I started to make my character on Adobe Illustrator by getting pictures off the internet of cowboys on horses then I added a flamethrower and a horse gas mask from WWI. I then drew a outline of the design to make it look like it was done with a pencil. I also made the background grey. The next part was to start using dark colour tone to give a shiny look to the horses fur. I then started to shade the areas that were dark.

Wednesday 29 January 2014


This blog post will be about cyanotype. Cyanotype is a photo printing process than gives off a cyan blue finish. this process was popular in the 20th century because of it's  simple and low cost to make a large scale copy of their work. The two chemicals that are used to make this effect is Ammonium iron(3) citrate and Potassium ferricyanide. This style is referred to as blueprints.

Cyanotype was first discovered by Sir John Herschel in 1842. He used this process mainly for reproducing note and diagrams as in blue prints. The first person to use this method in photography was Anna Atkins. She used this method to document ferns and other plant life for her seaweed collection.
Below is my own version of using cyanotype in photography. I used photoshop and my photo joining photo to make it. I think that this worked very well with this picture and i would use this again in another assignments.

Friday 17 January 2014

Digital art self portrait

This is my self portrait that I did on Adobe Illustrator. This was the first part of my creature of Crosskeys self portrait. This is the original line drawing with no colour applied. To improve this drawing I could spend more time on the lines to join them together to make this drawing look good.

Below my line drawing self portrait is my tonal drawing version of my self portrait. I did this to get more detail in the picture by shading dark areas of the portrait to make have a real effect.